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27. Б.Зандан, А.Г.Ченский, О.Бөхцоож, Т.Галбаатар, (2019). “Применение искусственной нейронной сети для распознавания речевых команд на монгольском языке”, Proceedings of the 13th European Scientific Conference 49-54.
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33. S.Tengis, B.Orgil, S.Saran (2019). “Comparison of quartz dose distributions in heated and unheated samples from orkhon valley, MONGOLIA”, Proceedings of FICASE-2019, 1, 625-630.
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36. B.Khongorzul, B.Enkhmend, I.Khishigdemberel, E.Uyanga, N.Jargalan, D.Sangaa (2019). “Study of heat generation ability for magnesium and copper ferrite materials”, Proceedings of the 8th International conference on Materials science, 497-501.
37. L.Sarantuya, E.Enkhjargal, N.Tsogbadrakh, G.Sevjidsuren, P.Altantsog (2019). “Carrier and transition metal (M = Cr, Mn, Fe and Nb) doping effects on electronic structure in Li4Ti5O12 spinel”, Proceedings of the 8th International conference on Materials science, 73-78.
38. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Study of the Dalitz decay 𝐽/𝜓 → 𝑒+𝑒−𝜂”, Phys. Rev. D 99, 12006, IF=4.39,
39. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Measurements of 𝑒+𝑒−→𝐾𝑆0𝐾±𝜋∓𝜋0 and 𝐾𝑆0𝐾±𝜋∓𝜂 at center-of-mass energies from 3.90 to 4.60 GeV”, Phys. Rev. D 99, 12003, IF 4.39,
40. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Study of the 𝐷0→𝐾−𝜇+𝜈𝜇 Dynamics and Test of Lepton Flavor Universality with 𝐷0→𝐾−ℓ+𝜈ℓ Decays”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 011804, IF=8.84,
41. M. Ablikim,…, M. N. Achasov,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Search for a strangeonium-like structure 𝑍𝑠 decaying into 𝜑𝜋 and a measurement of the cross section 𝑒+𝑒−→ 𝜑𝜋𝜋”, Phys. Rev D 99, 011101, IF 4.39,
42. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Study of the decay 𝐷0→𝐾̅0𝜋−𝑒+𝜈𝑒 ”, Phys. Rev. D 99, 011103. IF 4.39.
43. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Measurement of 𝐵(𝐽/𝜓→𝜂′𝑒+𝑒−) and search for a dark photon”, Phys. Rev. D 99, 012013. IF 4.39,
44. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Observation of OZI-suppressed decays 𝜒𝑐𝐽 → 𝜔𝜙”, Phys. Rev. D 99, 12015. IF 4.39,
45. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Measurement of 𝑒+𝑒−→𝐾+𝐾− cross section at √𝑠=2.00 – 3.08 GeV”, Phys. Rev. D 99, 032001. IF 4.39.
46. M. Ablikim,…, M. N. Achasov,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Measurements of the absolute branching fractions and CP asymmetries for 𝐷+ → 𝐾𝑆,𝐿0𝐾+(𝜋0)”, Phys.Rev. D 99, 032002. IF 4.39.
47. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Observation of 𝐷+→ 𝑓0(500)𝑒+𝜈𝑒 and Improved Measurements of 𝐷 → 𝜌𝑒+𝜈𝑒”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 062001. IF 8.84.
48. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Observation of 𝐷𝑠+→ 𝑝𝑛̅ and confirmation of its large branching fraction”, Phys. Rev. D 99, 031101. IF 4.39.
49. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “First Measurement of the Form Factors in 𝐷𝑠+ → 𝐾0𝑒+𝜈𝑒 and 𝐷𝑠+ → 𝐾∗0𝑒+𝜈𝑒 Decays”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 061801. IF 8.84.
50. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Observation of 𝜓(3686)→𝑝𝑝̅𝜂′ and improved measurement of 𝐽/𝜓→𝑝𝑝̅𝜂′”, Phys. Rev. D 99, 032006. IF 4.39.
51. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Measurement of the absolute branching fractions of 𝛬𝑐+→𝛬𝜂𝜋+ and 𝛴(1385)+𝜂”, Phys. Rev. D 99, 032010, IF 4.39.
52. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Determination of the Pseudoscalar Decay Constant 𝑓𝐷𝑠+ via 𝐷𝑠+→𝜇+𝜈𝜇”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 071802. IF 8.84.
53. M. Ablikim,…, M. N. Achasov,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Measurement of the phase between strong and electromagnetic amplitudes of J/ψ decays”, Phys. Lett B 791, 375-384. IF 4.25.
54. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Study of electromagnetic Dalitz decays 𝜒𝑐𝐽→𝜇+𝜇−𝐽/𝜓”, Phys. Rev. D 99, 051101, IF 4.39.
55. M. Ablikim,…, M. N. Achasov,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Evidence of a Resonant Structure in the 𝑒+𝑒−→𝜋+𝐷0𝐷∗− Cross Section between 4.05 and 4.60 GeV”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 102002. IF8.84.
56. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Observation of 𝜒𝑐𝐽→4𝐾𝑆0”, Phys. Rev. D 99, 052008. IF 4.39.
57. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Measurement of the Dynamics of the Decays 𝐷𝑠+→𝜂(′)𝑒+𝜈𝑒”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 121801. IF 8.84.
58. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Search for rare decay 𝐽/𝜓 → 𝜙𝑒+𝑒−”, Phys. Rev. D 99, 052010. IF 4.39.
59. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Measurement of the branching fraction of 𝐽/𝜓→𝜔𝜂′𝜋+𝜋− and search for 𝐽/𝜓→𝜔𝑋(1835), 𝑋(1835)→𝜂′𝜋+𝜋− decay”, Phys. Rev. D 99, 071101. IF 4.39.
60. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Precision Measurement of the Branching Fractions of η′ Decays”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 142002. IF 8.84.
61. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Search for the decay 𝐷𝑠+→𝛾𝑒+𝜈𝑒”, Phys. Rev. D 99, 072002, IF 4.39.
62. M. Ablikim,…, M. N. Achasov,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Precision measurements of 𝜎𝐵(𝑒+𝑒−→𝐾𝑆0𝐾±𝜋∓) at center-of-mass energies between 3.8 and 4.6 GeV”, Phys. Rev. D 99, 072005, IF 4.39.
63. M. Ablikim,…, M. N. Achasov,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Search for Baryon and Lepton Number Violation in 𝐽/𝜓 → 𝛬𝑐+ 𝑒− + 𝑐.𝑐.”, Phys. Rev. D 99, 072006. IF 4.39.
64. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “First observations of ℎ𝑐→ℎ𝑎𝑑𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑠”, Phys. Rev. D 99, 072008, IF 4.39.
65. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Polarization and entanglement in baryon– antibaryon pair production in electron–positron annihilation”, Nature Physics Letters, IF 22.6.
66. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Study of the process 𝑒+𝑒−→𝑝𝑝̅ via initial state radiation at BESIII”, Phys. Rev. D 99, 092002. IF 4.39.
67. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Observation of the 𝑊-annihilation decay 𝐷𝑠+→𝜔𝜋+ and evidence for 𝐷𝑠+→𝜔𝐾+”, Phys. Rev. D 99, 091101, IF 4.39.
68. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Cross section measurements of 𝑒+𝑒−→𝜔𝜒𝑐0 from √𝑠=4.178 to 4.278 GeV”, Phys. Rev. D 99, 091103. IF 4.39.
69. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Observation of the Decay 𝑋(3872)→𝜋0𝜒𝑐1(1𝑃)”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 202001, IF 8.84.
70. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Amplitude analysis and branching fraction measurement of 𝐷0→𝐾−𝜋+𝜋0𝜋0”, Phys. Rev. D 99, 092008, IF 4.39.
71. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Search for heavy Majorana neutrino in lepton number violating decays of 𝐷→𝐾𝜋𝑒+𝑒+”, Phys. Rev. D 99, 112002, IF 4.39.
72. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Study of the decays 𝐷𝑠+→𝐾𝑆0𝐾+ and 𝐾𝐿0𝐾+”, Phys. Rev. D 99, 112005. IF 4.39.
73. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Study of 𝑒+ 𝑒−→𝛾𝜔𝐽/𝜓 and Observation of 𝑋(3872)→𝜔𝐽/𝜓”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 232002. IF 8.84.
74. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Observation and study of the decay 𝐽/𝜓→𝜙𝜂𝜂′”, Phys. Rev. D 99, 112008, IF 4.39.
75. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Observation of 𝜓(3686)→𝑝¯𝑝𝜙”, Phys. Rev. D 99, 112010, IF 4.39.
76. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Measurements of the branching fractions of 𝜂𝑐→𝐾+𝐾−𝜋0, 𝐾0𝑆𝐾±𝜋∓, 2(𝜋+𝜋−𝜋0), and p¯p”, Phys. Rev. D 100, 012003, IF 4.39. 77. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “A first study of the Dsj mesons in the exclusive e+e- to Ds^+D(*)0 K- above threshold”, Chinese Phys. C 43 031001. IF 5.861.
78. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Study of Monte Carlo event generators for proton-proton collisions at LHC energies in the forward region”, Chin. Phys. C 43, 083002. IF 5.861.
79. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Observation of 𝑒+𝑒−→𝜋+𝜋−𝜓(3770) and 𝐷1(2420)0¯𝐷0+𝑐.𝑐.”, Phys. Rev. D 100, 032005. IF 4.39.
80. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Partial-wave analysis of 𝐽/𝜓→𝐾+𝐾−𝜋0”, Phys. Rev. D 100, 032004. IF 4.39.
81. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Cross section measurements of 𝑒+𝑒−→𝐾+𝐾−𝐾+𝐾− and 𝜙𝐾+𝐾− at center-of-mass energies from 2.10 to 3.08 GeV”, Phys. Rev. D 100, 032009. IF 4.39.
82. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Amplitude Analysis of 𝐷+𝑠→𝜋+𝜋0𝜂 and First Observation of the W-Annihilation Dominant Decays 𝐷+𝑠→𝑎0(980)+𝜋0 and 𝐷+𝑠→𝑎0(980)0𝜋+”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 112001, IF 8.84.
83. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Study of the decays 𝜓(3686)→𝛾𝜒𝑐𝐽→𝛾¯𝑝𝐾∗+𝛬+𝑐.𝑐. and 𝜓(3686)→¯𝑝𝐾∗+𝛬+𝑐.𝑐.”, Phys. Rev. D 100, 052010, IF 4.39.
84. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Complete Measurement of the Λ Electromagnetic Form Factors”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 122003, IF 4.39.
85. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Observation of 𝜂𝑐→𝜔𝜔 in 𝐽/𝜓→𝛾𝜔𝜔”, Phys. Rev. D 100, 052012. IF 4.39.
86. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Observation of 𝜓(3686)→𝛯(1530)−¯𝛯(1530)+ and 𝛯(1530)−¯𝛯+”, Phys. Rev. D 100, 051101. IF 4.39.
87. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Search for the decay 𝜂′→𝛾𝛾𝜂”, Phys. Rev. D 100, 052015. IF 4.39.
88. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Measurements of weak decay asymmetries of 𝛬+𝑐→𝑝𝐾0𝑠, 𝛬𝜋+, 𝛴+𝜋0, and 𝛴0𝜋+”, Phys. Rev. D 100, 072004. IF 4.39.
89. M. Ablikim,…, K. Begzsuren,…, B. Tsednee,…, et al. (BESIII Collaboration). (2019). “Improved measurements of the absolute branching fractions of the inclusive decays 𝐷+(0)→𝜙𝑋”, Phys. Rev. D 100, 072006. IF 4.39.
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