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25. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “Measurement of the absolute branching fraction of the inclusive decay Ʌ𝑐+→𝐾𝑆0𝑋”, Eur.Phys.J.C 80, 935 /IF 4.770/
26. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “Improved model-independent determination of the strong-phase difference between D0 and D̅0→KS,L0K+K− decays”, Phys.Rev.D 102, 052008 /IF 4.380/
27. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020) “Measurements of the absolute branching fractions of D0(+)→KK̅ππ decays”, Phys.Rev.D 102, 052006 /IF 4.380/
28. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “Search for intermediate resonances and dark gauge bosons in 𝐽/𝜓→𝛾𝜋0𝜂′ ”, Phys.Rev.D 102, 052005 /IF 4.380/
29. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “Measurement of singly Cabibbo-suppressed decays 𝐷→𝜔𝜋𝜋”, Phys.Rev.D 102, 052003 /IF 4.380/
30. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020) “Inclusive charged and neutral particle multiplicity distributions in χcJ and 𝐽/𝜓 decays”, Phys.Rev.D 102, 052001 /IF 4.380/
31. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “Precise measurements of branching fractions for 𝐷𝑠+ meson decays to two pseudoscalar mesons”, JHEP 08 146 /IF 5.875/
32. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “Observation of the 𝑌(4220) and 𝑌(4360) in the process 𝑒+𝑒−→𝜂𝐽/𝜓 ”, Phys.Rev.D 102, 031101 /IF 4.380/
33. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “𝛴+𝛴̅− polarization in the 𝐽/𝜓 and 𝜓(3686) decays”, Phys.Rev.Lett. 125, 052004 /IF 9.200/
34. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “Observation of a structure in 𝑒+𝑒−→𝜙𝜂′ at √𝑠 from 2.05 to 3.08 GeV”, Phys.Rev.D 102, 012008 /IF 4.380/
35. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “Measurement of the Born Cross Sections for 𝑒+𝑒−→𝐷𝑠+𝐷𝑠1(2460)−+𝑐.𝑐. and 𝑒+𝑒−→𝐷𝑠∗+𝐷𝑠1(2460)−+𝑐.𝑐. ”, Phys.Rev.D 101, 112008 /IF 4.380/
36. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “Study of Open-Charm Decays and Radiative Transitions of the 𝑋(3872)”, Phys.Rev.Lett. 124, 242001 /IF 9.200/
37. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “Measurements of Absolute Branching Fractions of Fourteen Exclusive Hadronic 𝐷 Decays to 𝜂”, Phys.Rev.Lett. 124, 241803 /IF 9.200/
38. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “Search for the decay 𝐽/𝜓→𝛾+𝑖𝑛𝑣𝑖𝑠𝑖𝑏𝑙𝑒”, Phys.Rev.D 101, 112005 /IF 4.380/
39. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “Model-independent determination of the relative strong-phase difference between 𝐷0 and 𝐷̅0→𝐾𝑆,𝐿0𝜋+𝜋− and its impact on the measurement of the CKM angle 𝛾/𝜙3”, Phys.Rev.D 101, 112002 /IF 4.380/
40. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “Determination of Strong-Phase Parameters in →𝐾𝑆,𝐿0𝜋+𝜋− ”, Phys.Rev.Lett. 124, 241802 /IF 9.200/
41. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “First Observation of 𝐷+→𝜂𝜇+𝜈𝜇 and Measurement of Its Decay Dinamics”, Phys.Rev.Lett. 124, 231801 /IF 9.200/
42. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “Study of 𝑒+𝑒−→𝐷+𝐷−𝜋+𝜋− at center-of-mass energies from 4.36 to 4.60 GeV”, Phys. Lett. B 804, 135395 /IF 4.384/
43. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “First Measurements of χcJ→Σ−Σ̅+(J=0,1,2) Decays”, Phys.Rev.D 101, 092002 /IF 4.380/
44. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “Observation of the semimuonic decay 𝐷+→𝜔𝜇+𝜈𝜇”, Phys.Rev.D 101, 072005 /IF 4.380/
45. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “Future Physics Programme of BESIII”, Chin.Phys.C 44, 040001 /IF 5.670/
46. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “Observation of 𝐷+→𝜂𝜂𝜋+ and improved measurement of 𝐷0(+)→𝜂𝜋+𝜋−(0)”, Phys.Rev.D 101, 052009 /IF 4.380/
47. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “Observation of a Resonant Structure in e+e+→K+K−π0π0”, Phys.Rev.Lett. 124, 112001 /IF 9.200/
48. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “Partial wave analysis of 𝜓(3686)→𝐾+𝐾−𝜂”, Phys.Rev.D 101, 032008 /IF 4.380/
49. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “Search for baryon and lepton number violating decays 𝐷+→Ʌ̅(𝛴̅0)𝑒+ and 𝐷+→Ʌ(𝛴0)𝑒+ ”, Phys.Rev.D 101, 031102 /IF 4.380/
50. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “Search for the rare decay 𝜂′→𝜋0𝜋0𝜋0𝜋0 at BESIII”, Phys.Rev.D 101, 032001 /IF 4.380/
51. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “Measurement of Proton Electromagnetic Form Factors in 𝑒+𝑒−→𝑝𝑝̅ in the Energy Region 2.00−3.08 GeV”, Phys.Rev.Lett. 124, 042001 /IF 9.200/
52. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020) “Observation of the decays 𝜒𝑐𝐽→𝜙𝜙𝜂” Phys.Rev.D 101, 012012 /IF 4.380/
53. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “Measurement of the Cross Section for 𝑒+𝑒−→𝛯−𝛯̅+ and Observation of an Excited 𝛯 Baryon”, Phys.Rev.Lett. 124, 032002 /IF 9.200/
54. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “Cross section measurement of 𝑒+𝑒−→𝜂′𝐽/𝜓 from √𝑠=4.178 to 4.600 GeV”, Phys.Rev.D 101, 012008 /IF 4.380/
55. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “Measurement of 𝐽/𝜓→𝛯(1530)−𝛯̅+ and evidence for the radiative decay 𝛯(1530)−→𝛾𝛯− ”, Phys.Rev.D 101, 031102 /IF 4.380/
56. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “Observation of the Doubly Cabibbo-Suppressed Decay D+ →k+π+π-π0 and Evidence for D+ →k+ω” Phys.Rev.Lett. 125, 141802 /IF 9.200/
57. M. Ablikim,…,K. Begzsuren,…,B.Tsednee,…, et al (BES III Collaboration) (2020). “Observation of X(2370) and search for X(2120) in J/ ψ→ γKK¯ η′ : BESIII Collaboration” EPJ C 80, 746 /IF 4.843/